We The People
:Maria-Cornelia-Louise aka :Meryl (here after :Meryl) und :Yvonne
Trespassing on 17.12.2024
Didier Demierre is at our door again.
Also this time, he is accompanied by the two people from the Service de la sécurité alimentaire et des affaires vétérinaires (here after SAAV).
In addition, there are four police officers and two other people whom we cannot identify.
The whole fraudulent establishment, from Top to Bottom, has been served the Judicial Notices JS029587168G.
Signs are posted all over the entrance to the property (click here for video).
This is WILLFUL Trespassing.
They are all personally liable.
We would like to take the house and the animals away from you…
On 9 December 2024, Didier Demierre and two employees of the SVVA Fribourg are at the door. (Français)
The employees of the SVVA were already sneaking around the house on 25 November 2024.
Bouche Overte
Message to Monsieur Betreibungsamt
Teil 1 (Français)
Bouche B
Message to Monsieur Betreibungsamt and to SVVA
Teil 2 (Français)
Police State 15.02.2024
On February 15th 2024 we had a visit from the Police State. For two 59 year-old women: 5 Police cars and a dog-handler van.
(Français with English Subtitles).
Debrief of arrest part 1 (German)
Debrief of arrest part 2 (German)
Other Harassment Videos
For more videos about other people’s harassements by the Police State, click the following link: Rumble Videos
Wakey Wakey Tree
This tree is mentioned in debrief part 2.
Come and visit our Tree. If you register Date and Time through the contact form, we serve you a coffee.
For more videos concerning above event go to: Kurzvideos.
Letters to: Cantonal Police of Fribourg, Préfet de la Glâne, Debt Collection Office (Français)
Letter of the public prosecutor’s office to
In this mirror world it’s always the same: A burgler comes into your house and you knock him out. Then they take you to court for obstructing a burglary.
Answer from the legal unit of the Cantonal Police to
Madame Melissen
Cease and Desists as answer to the two letters
Sandrine Chardonnens
Murielle Decurtins
Anja Weingart
Arrest Warrant Romain Collaud
Arrest Warrant Valentin Bard
Arrest Warrant Philippe Allain
Former Acting Police Sergeant Gary Waterman
We served the following institutions, Organisations, etc. the Judicial Notices, Global Constitution and accompanying instructions to stop Child Trafficking:
All Swiss Federal Councillors.
United Nations (UN), UNHCR, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), UNICEF, Terre des Homme, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), World Council of Churches (WCC), World Health Organisation (WHO), World Trade Organisation (WTO), Save the Children International, Amnesty International (United Nations Office), HCSA Foundation, IUCN, WWF International, Oxfam International.
This is an example of the instructions sent: Instructions UNICEF
Korrespondenz mit Pascal Najadi (English)
Die Antwort gibt Pascal Najadis Vision, persönliches Wissen und Meinung wieder.
Wir versuchen aus der Welt Situation Sinn zu machen, indem wir sie aus ALLEN Winkeln betrachten.
Unser Mail an Pascal Najadi (Deutsch)
Video vom 20. Juli 2024
Links zu im Video erwähntem
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Outline of the Blueprint von Derek Johnson (Englisch)
Dokumente von Derek Johnson (Englisch)